IAG Press Line Hot Press Mold


Special mold for IAG pressing production line

(1) The IAG panas mencét paeh utamana diwangun ku tilu bagian: baja deui bracket, nyoco bagian sarta mencét bagian.

(2) The steel back bracket dipaké pikeun nempatkeun baja deui, nu bisa ngawujudkeun cengkraman otomatis tina baja deui.

(3) The material of the feeding box is 7072 aluminum alloy, which is used to add raw materials into the mold, including feeding, flattening and pre-pressing.

(4) The quenching + tempering + nitriding treatment of the concave die and the die core is the main working part, which completes the forming of the brake pad product.

Each cavity has a separate working cylinder, and the iso-density pressing mold has high precision, high hardness and long life.

(5) Ieu marake pad panas kapang mencét mangrupakeun kapang husus pikeun IAG mencét garis produksi

(6)There are a variety of mold specifications

Parameter utama kapang nyaéta kieu:

Paké pencét: 40 tX4,    IAG Pressing production line
dimensi: 305X205X90 / 400X300X120 / 380X280X105
Bahan kapang: 1.2379 / 1.2343 / 1.2379
Teu karasa kapang: HRC56-58
perlakuan beungeut: hard chromium plating, nitriding
Asesoris séjén: Pinuh otomatis



