Brake pad flat mold, hot stamping mold

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The flat plate hot stamping mold is a relatively simple mold structure. It is a brake pad mold structure that existed decades ago. Now many brake pad factories are still using it in large quantities.

Ciri tina kapang ieu nyaéta:

(1) The use of multi-layer workbench presses, multiple sets of mold cycles, high production efficiency.

(2) Pre-formed material blanks are required, and the feeding is fast.

(3) The disadvantage is: the effective cavity thickness of the mold is the product thickness, and the product density of different cavities will be different. (Because when suppressing, the amount of overflow produced is different)

Parameter utama kapang nyaéta kieu:

Paké pencét: 400 tons, six-layer or three-layer
dimensi: 455X405X (25-35)
Bahan kapang: SAE 4140
Teu karasa kapang: HRC43-47, or HRC38-42
perlakuan beungeut: Nitriding, plating kromium teuas, nitriding + plating kromium teuas
Asesoris séjén: hinges jeung handles