Preform mold with steel back process hole plug, brake pad mold

The preformed material blocks produced by the usual preforming molds have a relatively large disadvantage:

After the preformed block is placed in the hot-pressing mold and the hot-pressing is completed, the part of the steel back hole is prone to lack of material.

Now this mold can solve this problem very well.

Tämän muotin ominaisuudet ovat:

(1) There are small pits in the corresponding parts of the punch

(2) The produced preforms have protrusions

(3) For production: passenger car brake pads, truck brake pads, CV brake pads

Muotin pääparametrit ovat seuraavat:

Käytä painoa: 200t
Mitat: 240X180X180
Muotin materiaali: SKD11
Muotin kovuus: HRC55-60
Pintakäsittely: kova kromipinnoitus
Muut tarvikkeet: Nro