Preforming molds (cold pressing molds), two-time forming molds


Preforming molds (cold pressing molds), two-time forming molds

Mog’orning asosiy parametrlari:

  1. There are two pressing heads, and two products can be pressed at one time
  2. Automatic weighing of materials
  3. Automatically launch the product after pressing
  4. Fast production speed

Kalıpning asosiy parametrlari quyidagilardan iborat:

Ishchi matbuot: 200 t
Bo’shliq taxtasi o’lchami O’lchamlari: 256X206X310
Kalıp materiali: 1.2080
Qolib qattiqligi: HRC50-55
Er ishlash: qattiq xrom